Actors from the Crown and Victoria

Are Your Queens Majestic?

Actors from the Crown and Victoria Are Your Queens Majestic? Anybody who has been reading my blog for a while will no doubt form the view that I am obsessed with queens. I'm talking about queen honey bees, not what…
Horse Chestnut Tree In Flower by Renoir

Busy as a Beekeeper

Horse Chestnut Tree In Flower by Renoir Busy as a beekeeper: Here in my part of England, the weather is currently absolutely perfect, and we have shaken off the oppressive depressed state induced by a long cold Winter followed by…
Treguihe near Corseul in France

Vive Le Morse!

Treguihe near Corseul in France Oh, the power of Google (other search engines are available, and some of them don't track your every move and send adverts to you). I just used it to find out what the French word…